Title: 『たまこラブストーリー』本予告
Made by: Kyoto Animation
As you can see, it's about the relationship of Tamako and Mochizou.
The film can be seen on April 26 all over Japan obviously first.
Many people found Tamako Market very bland and boring and I can't really blame them. It lacked something, but I can't really lay a finger on it. And the end of the series was absolutely predictable as well.
I kept watching Tamako Market simply because it's one of those anime where you can easily lay back and relax.
Oh and the soundtrack is mega chill.
Let's see how this movie turns out. No high expectations.
Title: [HD]Tamako Market ED [Neguse] Band cover
Made by: AnimeSongCollabo

Post Date: 22nd March 2014
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