Date:February 07, 2014

The great emerald's power allows me to feel... mighty muscles!

News about the new Sonic game spreads in hellfire. It's called "Sonic Boom" and it looks like it's one of Sega's bigger (money-making) schemes.

I knew that an upcoming cartoon series about Sonic is on radar, but I didn't know that it would get a video game as well.
That's nearly "Street Fighter: The Movie: The Game"-tier of ridiculousness.
Anyhow I don't like to babble much and I don't know much about it, so watch these trailers to give yourself an impression.

Title: Sonic Boom™ - Video Game Reveal Trailer
Uploaded by: SegaAmerica

Title: Sonic Boom™ - TV Series Trailer
Uploaded by: SegaAmerica

I personally think it is a very interesting approach of the Sonic franchise. I can't say for sure, but it has this weird "Jak and Daxter" feel and I haven't played those.
I heard somewhere that Ex-Naughty Dog members are working on this new big Sonic project, so it's understandable.
I don't want to be hyped about this too much, but I'm very interested in what I've seen so far. Yes. Even the designs.
It's new, but yet familiar. I do have one major complaint and holy ass tits Sonic has got some long legs.
The running cycle in the trailer looks bad as well, but everything else looks okay. I hope they get better over the time.


Post Date: 7th February 2014

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