I don't know, it just posted a picture of a pumpkin and all of the sudden that happened.
Oh well.
Lots of stuff happened (or didn't happened) during the past few weeks.
The WiiU came out in the US, Sonic Adventure 2 got its PC debut, Halloween, some anime stuff like, there's probably more Rozen Maiden coming up or the new Neon Genesis Evangelion movie had been released.
Errrr... what else to tell?
Oh yeah, maybe some flash-related news.
Parallel Memories is frozen as always, but the other project (name in progress) is having [a microscopic amount of] progress.
Why I am doing yet another project and not continue PM is beyond me. You are allowed to hate me at this point.
So, now with that out of way, let me wrap this up with a video that I made.
Oh! Someone drew fanart of Marichu. Thank you very much, Blastimo36!
Title: Fly Away!
Uploaded by: Yours truly

Post Date: November 20th 2012