My interest in history lessons isn't really big, so I doodle while my professor talks about National Socialism. (Adolf's an ass by the way)
And then I drew this disaster. I don't why, but I think, it turned out pretty well. I could make a comic about her, but I have better things to do.
But because I don't want to simply throw it away, I've decided to contact Claudia-Sierra and asked her, if she's interested in drawing this.
She would do the outline and I would vectorize it afterwards.
Here's the result.
Title: Mandarine Riot
Made by: Claudia-Sierra and me
Why is it called "Mandarine Riot" you ask? Because a mandarine inspired me to draw her hair like that.
My doodle is pretty...ugly compared to Claudia's fantastic art. But hey...
I am no sprite artist for nothing.
Speaking of sprites, I should give myself a punch in the nut and get my things together.
Really. If this keeps up, Parallel Memories and anything flash-related onward will be like the next "Duke Nukem Forever". It will take me forever to get anything released.
Two, because I'm great!
Title: Athletic Set
Uploaded by: Mowtendoo
Uploaded by: NyannersVA

Post Date: November 29th 2012
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