I wanted to post this earlier, but the excitement just overwhelmed me.
The manga "The Disappearance Nagato Yuki-chan" is getting its anime adaptation. This isn't related to the main series, but is more off a spinoff like "The Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya" and "Nyoron Churuya-san" web series.
As so far no information about the airing date or company in charge has been stated.
Speaking of which, who made Haruhi-chan? KyoAni, right?
I hope they are making this as well. They probably will.
Good thing I haven't read the manga yet. Otherwise I would have spoiled me the "plot".
Let us celebrate this fantastic news with yet once again a post ending video, because it doesn't get better than that. Unless I make actual content for a change...
Title: Hidamari Haruhi
Uploaded by: KagalieRiza

Post Date: 13th April 2014
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