In case you don't have any idea what I'm talking, I'm talking about the Suzumiya Haruhi Movie.
And it is so greattasticcally outstanding, I don't even have to say much about this.
You hear me?!?!

It's full of crazy great stuff, it will blast your brain away. So if you watched or read the Suzumiya Haruhi series, then this THE movie for you. It's well animated, 3 hours long, which means a lot of footage, great tracks and the plot flows well. And Yuki fans will love this one, I guarantee.
I personally think, you should buy the BD, but since noone does this...
Mazui release! Find it! Get it! And Watch it!
So, in short.
PS.: Vote Marvel VS Capom 3: Fate of Two Worlds for the Most Anticipated Game of the year
To end this post, here's the score from the Suzumiya Haruhi S1 finale.
Title: 涼宮ハルヒと千人の交響曲 Mahler symphonie No.8 1ST Mov--完成版--
Posted by: gipsy0012

Post Date: December 21 2010
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